To SMART Tele, or not...

So you know it's Christmas, well closer to New year 2023, and the infernal tech life cycle has struck. My LG "smart" tele is on it's way out. Well, more the WiFi connectivity. For a while now we've been having issues with connectivity and put it down to just Prime or Netflix being "down". However, in a recent discovery during a rather frustrating episode of being unable to watch our favourite shows, I noticed that our TV power cycles it's WiFi card - weird right? Being inquisitive I decided to…

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Bonsai Update

Bonsai Update

As promised I wanted to provide an update on my Bonsai endeavors. All of my trees at the moment are dormant for winter, which is a good thing. However, as they are all in shallow pots, I purchased a plastic greenhouse that will serve as a base to keep the trees in over the winter months; providing adequate cover from the frost. My Bonsai Over the last two years, I have amassed a small collection of trees. So far I have five, the majority being made up of Maples. From left to right, my curren…

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It's Been A While...

It's Been A While...

It's been nine months since my last post, I don't have an excuse really. I've been really busy, in some cases rushed off my feet. It doesn't really feel like nine months have passed in all fairness. Mini Update If you're interested, I want to share a mini update of events that have taken place over the last nine months: * I became an engineering manager. * My eldest is now in school and thoroughly enjoying himself. * My youngest is now talking, albeit in truncated sentences and jumbled word…

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A Christmas Letter

A Christmas Letter

Dad, I write to you on Christmas day, 2021. It's 2140hrs and I've had a couple of glasses of wine, which is making it a little easier to put pen to paper. I've wanted to do this for a while, but I've been putting it off because I've been struggling to consolidate my thoughts and feelings into meaningful concise sentences; let alone paragraphs. But today I thought "why the hell not!?"... It's been five months since you passed away, and not a day goes by where I don't think about you - I miss…

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What Is "DevOps"?

What Is "DevOps"?

This is a question I get asked to answer a lot. It's not a difficult question to answer but it's more about how to answer it as there are many meanings. What DevOps Is Not I hear many differing views and opinions of what it actually is, here's a list of things DevOps is not: * Deployment Pipelines * Jenkins, Github * A job for one person What DevOps Is DevOps at it's core is a culture, it's a concept that is defined by the following: * Effective communication between developers and oper…

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